Monday, January 25, 2010

Women Without Make-Up

I've heard a million times the myth that no woman is attractive without make-up. I even have to admit that I don't like anyone seeing me unless I'm fully done-up, for fear that I will repulse other human beings. I can't understand how I got this way, though, since I lived with only my dad for the majority of my life. He certainly didn't wear make-up, and never cared whether or not I brushed my teeth, let alone put make-up on.

I do believe that it was the grocery stores of my youth that turned me into the self-conscious monster I am now. Yes, the grocery stores. For it is here that, while waiting for the cashier to take an hour to ring up the person in front of me with five items, I had to stand and look at the tabloid covers for something to do. Every issue screamed at me, "ZOMG, LOOK AT DEEZ FAMIS PPL WIF NO MAKE-UPZZZ! :O :O :O" I couldn't care less whether or not all of these famous women are wearing their clown masks, but I couldn't resist looking.

I never could look at such pictures and see what the magazines say. I don't see a woman who should put make-up on because, without it, she looks worn and haggard. I don't see bad skin, wrinkles, freckles, puffy eyes, or whatever these women are trying to hide.

I see real women. I see someone who isn't a plastic mold of a million other women in Hollywood. I see someone who, for once, isn't hiding from the entire world. I certainly do not see any ugliness in these photos.

But more importantly, what I see is the magazine telling me that, as a person who doesn't wear make up 24/7, I look disgusting, repulsive, and lizard-like. I'm reminded that unless I'm looking my absolute Hollywood best, I should crawl back into my dark hole and better prepare myself. I'm reminded that my norm just isn't good enough. And that tears me apart.

So, with that, three cheers for real beauty, and a big middle finger to the grocery store!

1 comment:

  1. you need an update! haha.

    btw what's your IM? I got your sn from aim awhile ago but you almost never online lol.
