Saturday, November 28, 2009

Two Lives

We are all guilty of treason against ourselves, for we all lead double lives. One life is the life we are physically living. The other life is no less real, no less important, and no less impacting. Our treasonous life is the life we live in our dreams. It is the life of wishes, dreams, hopes, and imagination. The root of unhappiness is the chasm between these two lives. As the chasm widens, deepens, and becomes more jagged, more and more unhappiness festers. We realize that the life we live in our dreams becomes further and further away, and so we sink. Every difference in our treason is one step deeper into depression.

Do yourself a favor--life the life you dream of, close that gap, and live innocent of treason.


  1. I enjoy the message behind this quite a bit. The only bit that I question is your choice of the word 'treason'. Is treason against the self to be defined as having unfulfilled aspirations, or is it something a little more complicated than that?

    I tend to think that the simple difference between our life aspired and our actual life is not necessarily treason, but that actively betraying your underlying beliefs and desires IS treasonous.

    But hey, who am I to say. This IS your blog =P

  2. The other day I dreamt (not a word according to Firefox?) that I was my EQ2 character in real life and had an English accent so no one could understand me.

    Yeah, I'm insane.
